
Saturday, 23 October 2010

are the robots taking over?

Google would not let me go to my own blog the other day without reassuring it that I was willing to take the risk involved and it was not responsible!

Getting to a human being when phoning a company demands a level of attention to recorded messages that it is nearly impossible for me to give.

The internet constantly invites you to things that when clicking through do not exist.

And becomes utterly ridiculous in it’s attempt to grab your money

Eg Sell Maire Stafford on Ebay.

Individually these things are trivial and amusing, together though they create dystopia!

Monday, 18 October 2010

ADHD musings

Problems I experience daily:

  • burning the toast and sometimes the actual grill
  • flooding the kitchen, the utility and sometimes the bathroom (a bit more serious that one, water travels down the light fitting.)
  • having to heat up my coffee a zillion times as I forget about it and it cools and I heat it up and it cools 
I have now realised with ridiculous astonishment that I can keep myself there while the toast grills or the sink fills  by ......................doing the dishwasher or brushing the floor, who knew?

The coffee though still defeats me so any suggestions very welcome.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Autism/Adhd, Male/female, just a bog standard couple?

When we talk he thinks and I bear in mind ...............


That was before, it doesn't count, I am talking about now.


All of human history backwards and forwards into the future not forgetting the past and maybe a few other dimensions thrown in as well and what about heaven or whatever it is where we will be when we die, The 10 chronicles, that's not quite right but like that.  And reincarnation will we take our insights with us and can I heal past pain, will it give me a more complex or a simpler life next time; will I be a tree!

Thursday, 14 October 2010

No such thing as a free lunch, or child protection service,

You have to pay the price for what you want and not the cheapest price for what it is called.

IQ or EQ?

Intelligence is the result of following one’s own curiosity and accepting and travelling on one’s own personal journey.  Clever is the computer God gave you. Garbage in garbage out.

The Nuclear Family


Sunday, 10 October 2010

A foolish wish to be a real person

It was foolish of me to think I could actually do something with my life other than raise ungrateful children and skivy for them and my husband while supporting him to a powerful and prestigious position.

It reminds me a bit of my family home, my dad did all the work and my mum took all the glory, not quite as obvious in my home.

But obviously if I say I can help people and that I understand a lot of the issues I have been struggling with for most of my life then I must be mad.

How can I support my son both in person and remotely

Support my husband against his will to behave like a professor

Be left alone with a 12 year old

And still be dangerous enough to be sectioned for getting frustrated when my husband lies to me and is hopeless at keeping it up.

I need sectioning!

So i need to be grey again, fuzzy and quiet again, don’t ask for decent clothes, a decent home, help for my special needs, just carry on struggling and let him be the clever one, he can’t seem to cope with anything else.
And he calls this love, self love, i am his sexual toy, and his comfort blanket, and i am not really a real person, 

When i want my share he and my daughter call in the doctors with drugs to shut me up.

What is help, and what is receptive language disorder

If you are in trouble and misunderstood and have learning difficulties, what are you to make of an organisation that offers to help and when you ask for help responds with this?

This is an automated response to your email, please do not reply to this message. MindinfoLine will respond to your message within five working days. If you are in crisis, you could call Samaritans, open all hours, every day on 08457 90 90 90. 


And the Samaritans, why is it called a HELP line, they can't help they can't ADVISE even, they can only listen, if it shouldn't really be called a listening line then I hold my arms out for the straight jacket!

MindinfoLine offers information about mental health and related issues, including medical and legal information. We aim to provide options for further support in your area. Mind works in England and Wales. We are unable to offer advice or ongoing support. We will not respond to emails with content that is threatening, sexual or rude.

MindinfoLine is a confidential service. We will only release details where required by Mind's policy or the law to e.g. suspected terrorism or legal compulsion. Mind will not use your email address for any purpose other than responding to your query. Emails are stored securely for three months, and then deleted. Anonymised details are kept for statistical purposes to inform our services and for fundraising purposes..

Mind welcomes your comments to help us provide a high quality service. There will be a request to complete our survey at the bottom of our response email to you, please take a few moments to complete it. Mind operates a Complaint Policy and the MindinfoLine team can provide details of how to make a complaint. Local Mind associations are independent charities in their own right and you will need to contact them directly in order to give feedback.
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If people are unwilling to use email

or skype conversation or google docs to discuss issues that impact on a whole community, do they have something to hide?

Me and the Psychiatrists

Me in squirrel form.

And me versus the psychiatrist.

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Should I just give up?

why is one of my posts almost invisible and the other clear crisp white anyone?

Right, sorted in a convoluted way, good job there is more than one way to skin a bollock!

Language, what is it for, killing us?

If a person tells their significant other that they must not tell them that they understand (due to overwhelming evidence that they don't) ; but have to demonstrate their understanding via paraphrase and action.

And if when this conversation has been and still is a relentless recursive interaction the person gets very angry, walks out of the room, shouts, feeds the cat ,(the one that wouldn't shut up until these individuals realised something was wrong and did something about it [the scapegoat, like like the subject of this pondering]) and thinks and then puts it into the language natural to their significant other to the best of their ability ie.:

"You have three choices  A, B, C.

A. you can make the effort to understand me and persuade me that you have understood.

B. you can do everything I say instantly.

C. I can go and make my own life.

Is it reasonable that they then say to this person;

"I understand".

cue hysterical maniacal laughter!

If this is reasonable rhen bring on the babies in grey suits with their electric weapons that can reduce my understanding to theirs.

Insight, I am working with backwards shadows, hopefully I will eventually be working with insights that will help me manifest the best for myself and mine in the future.

Friday, 8 October 2010

what on earth are psychiatrists for?

Abreaction for conversion disorder: systematic review with meta-analysis

Now I haven't done more than glance at this, but look at the language, is it helpful to anyone who doesn't have their head stuck up their own arses?

Could he be pondering self indulgently and very lucratively on problems that Louise Hay has grasped and offered help with more than 20 years ago with her book

'The Mental Causes for Physical Illness and the Way to Overcome Them'

Was Carl Jung (and all the other founding fathers, [not sure about Freud) really a philosopher and an explorer, it seems to me that psychiatrists make up stories based on their own, sometimes perverted fantasies.

They certainly use language in a way that either by accident or design makes it difficult for the patient to partner them.